The British government is compiled of 3 sections: the hereditary monarch and the two Houses of Commons and Lords. The monarch’s government is restricted by a constitution (non-written) and his reigning is mainly formal. Though, he unites the British people for a nation and acts as its symbol. The monarchy institution has been existed in the state for over 1 thousand years. The current Governor – Queen Elizabeth II – has been occupying this position since 1953.
The sovereign is a leader of the church and the army, the executive and the judiciary powers. There exists a long-termed tradition when the Queen and Her Prime Minister arrange weekly a private audience for the significant country’s matters discussion. Though, it’s a Parliament’s function to create the law.
The Government is situated in the Whitehall and about 100 ministers belong to it. The 20 of them form a Cabinet. One of them – the Prime Minister – is the senior member and has more power within the Cabinet. That means that all the others must obey his will.
The Parliament of Great Britain – or Westminster as it’s sometimes often called for its location – is the oldest worldwide (1265) and is constituted of two parts. The House of Commons is of the dynamic power. There are 659 members who represent all the country’s parts in a ratio of 529/40/72/18 respectively to their size. The House has in its disposal only 370 seats. That’s why all members aren’t present on the session, except for the important matters discussion. A lot of MPs take part in other significant committees and meetings the rest of time.
The House of Lords isn’t an elected and democratic chamber. The 4 categories of peers belong to it: hereditary peers and “life” ones, Lords Temporal and Spiritual. Actually, their number is high but only 2 or 3 hundred are the active members. Unlike MPs, the peers aren’t paid the salary.